Monday, August 9, 2010

Helping someone.

In True Notebook Mark tells his students to write about sometime they had really helped someone out. Tell me how you have helped someone out you didn't know or someone that you know.


  1. It was a Sunday night around 11:00pm and the rain was pouring down. My friend Idriss couldn’t go home due to the problems he and his mother were having. He was going to try to find a motel or hotel to spend the night at. He is only 19 and all the hotels in the area it is required for you to be 21 to rent a room. We were at a bar and grill outside under an umbrella thing on a bench, it was raining so hard that if we went out there for a minute we would be completely drenched. We decided to run to the train station which was 5 minutes away, as we took of full sprint the rain was beating down on us. By the time we reached the train station we were soaking wet, we were sitting there and by this time its 2 am Monday morning. He wanted to sleep there till 7 then walk to MacDonald’s get breakfast then walk straight to work without changing. It was 3am by the time I had an epiphany, Idriss can come back to my house and sleep a little then go out and go home then work. I told him the plan but he was skeptical thinking my parents would be upset with us both. I knew different Idriss is a dear friend of mine so I had no problem risking being yelled at for him. So he ordered a taxi, when we got there everybody was sleep of course, I ate some left over Chinese food I hadn’t eaten all day. Got him situated and we both went to sleep, so I made sure he had a safe place to stay and to rest for the night that was dry and warm.

  2. Sometimes I enjoy helping people out. I guess you can say it depends on the mood I’m in, but when it comes down to elderly people I help no matter what. Once a week I cut senior’s citizen’s lawns, help pull weeds and move objects that they can’t move. It is pretty cool helping them out because I look at them as my grandparents, and I don’t think twice about it when they need help. Helping others can have a good outcome; it might just make you feel good that you help someone out, but maybe you receive some cash, either way I think helping should come in handy with everyone.

  3. Well, help is a big word. Help is the ability to give up time to either assist or lend a hand to someone with sincere and thoughtful consideration. In life helping someone can make a big difference and can change the way someone is thinking at that moment or in the time of their need. The last time I remember helping someone was just recently and I helped my mom. My mom got into a car accident, she had got hit by a big explore truck and it messed up the front of the hood. The front window was shattered, the air bags came out, and our door dented in. Well, my mom was struggling with her money, so I felt bad and I was worry for her. So I took 200 dollars out my pocket when leaving the house and left it on her TV stand. At the end, she held me in her arms and kissed me. She was so happy I did it and didn’t ask for anything in return. I didn’t ask for anything in return because I know whenever I’m going through something she got my back.

  4. Starting at a young age I was always helping people that I did not know. It didn’t matter their age, but they were always younger. I was voted a couple years to be in a leadership program and received a certificate for helping out others and always being there to assist whenever someone needed. People followed me. I remember when I was in the fifth grade there was a guy in my class named Benjamin. People called him Ben for short. He was a special kid who needed a walker along with lots of other assistance, so he could continue to move forward. Ben had trouble feeding himself, learning in the classroom, and being on his own in general.
    That’s where I came into play. I was always there to help feed Ben, walk him to class and try and help him focus when our teacher was starting a lesson. He often had a seizure, but even then I had his back. Mind you, I was just a child myself but whenever he needed me I was right there to help him out. This is definitely something I distinctly remember when I was younger. We ended up going to the same high school but I feel his condition got worse because he no longer remembered me. I still tried to be there whenever he needed me along with anyone else. But in high school it just wasn’t the same. I personally have not changed and still help people out on a regular basis and will do so until I have a reason not to.

  5. It was actually today I was on my way to class, rushing through Union Station I’d just got off my train and this older guy was on the verge of dropping all of his papers and whatever else he had. It was pretty clear he was rushing just as I was, but the difference was that all my belonging were in my bag and he was carrying his, so now we’re about to actually enter the actual Union Station and “It Happened” he dropped everything from pens to paper clips, I’m going to be honest I didn’t want to stop cause I didn’t want to be late, but I said to myself if that was me I’d feel like a complete nut so I kind of knew how he felt, so I said to myself what the H*** I’ll help so I did, and I still made on time to class.

  6. Just this past weekend I went to Lollapalooza. Someone in the crowd was wanting to get out because she felt like she was going to pass out. So my friend and I lifted her up to get her out of the crowd and gave her to security. After she was over the Barricade I gave her my water. Not to pat myself on the back but I felt good helping someone who was in distress and in need of help.

  7. One day, I was walking out of Subway; I unwrapped my sandwich and passed a homeless man. When I walked by him, I could hear his stomach growl from starvation. As I was about to take a bite of the sandwich, I saw a glare in the man eyes as if he was to cry. The man looked very hungry so I felt pity and asked if he was hungry. The homeless man thanked me for asking is he was hungry, I blessed him with five dollars. I felt so euphoric for what I did, because you never know when you'll be down and need help.

  8. First, I’m the type of person that’s really in touched with my feels and emotions. So with that being said I’m very quick to help a person out. One main thing that pops in my mind of when I helped someone is when I was in high school. This lunch lady I had was talking about how she didn’t have any money, the things she needed to do and etc. I didn’t even really know the lady I just knew her of being the lunch lady. I felt sad for her so what I did was gave her basically all the money in my pocket so that she can do a little something she needed to do. I didn’t even think twice about it because I did it from the heart and knew that she needed it.

  9. It was 3 a.m. and I was just coming from an event not to long ago from the downtown area. Another long night in the work of this industry and I had thought that once I reached the bed, I would retire, I was sadly mistaken. My friend Adam had called me about three times between the times of 3:30-3:35 a.m. I realized that the numerous calling within the short duration signified some sort of need for help, so I called back.
    Sure enough I had grown to learn that Adam and his friends had quite the night. Adam was taken to jail for over 10 hrs and had gotten out. He wasn't a bad individual, just simply the wrong place at the wrong time. He had walked countless blocks in the search to get home since his car had been towed and impounded.
    When I heard of the news I sure enough hopped out of bed and began to drive over to where Adam was positioned at. It took me 10 minutes by car to reach Adam. I picked him up and drove him all the way to his doorstep.
    He thanked me severly. but the worst part for him was far from over. Now he had to face his mom. I simply was happy that I help someone out in their time of need, hoping in the future they would reutrn the favor. With that in mind I drove home quietly ready to go to bed.

  10. There has been many times where I had really helped out my friends, family, or strangers. Multiple times I had given my friend money for food, a movie, buying things at a store, and many other things. I always help out my family such as I help out my grandparents by cleaning their yard or other things around the house and helping them around their house or when they come to my house I help them there also. I also help out my brothers all the time by working on ones computer, helping them with a video game or just around the house with their chores. I also help out my aunts a lot. One aunt had a four year old kid that need to be watched while she is at work and she knows if she calls and asks me if I would watch him I would if I don’t have plans or work and my other aunt has two kids that are a lot older that I watch sometime when they are over. The person I help out the most is maybe my mom because I help her with my brother getting home from school, cleaning the house, or anything she really needs help with or something I know she needs done. My mom is a single mom and she is always having a really hard time trying to fix things or working on things around the house. I know my mom need help seventy percent of the time and I’m always there to help her. She knows I will always help her so she is the first person to come to and ask me if I know what to do in a situation.

  11. Well one specific moment is very hard to recall. With everytime I might have given directions to someone or if I gave someone a dollar versus the pennies in my pocket; But I will tell this one moment when I was waiting in a line in a wal-mart and I saw a wallet on the floor. it was red. I opened it and saw a decent sum of money, but I also saw the ID picture which I recognized as the person two people ahead of me in line. I decided to catch the person and give them back their wallet before they left without it.

  12. It was this summer when my friends and I decided to go to the O.A.R concert at the Charter One Pavilion here in Chicago. I was with a rather large group, so when getting off the train we got split up. I was walking under the bridge towards the Shed and Field museum when I noticed a girl passed out in the grass surrounded by Chicago police. As I was approaching, I noticed it was one of my close friends. I rushed over to her. She was lying unresponsive in the grass. She could breathe but barely speak. While most of my friends were already in the concert not even addressing the situation, I was there by her side. A forty dollar ticket didn’t even come close to the life of my friend. I stayed with her the whole night. She ended up having to go the hospital, but thankfully she was alright! I sat in the hospital, waited for her parents to arrive, and then headed home back to Tinley Park. The next morning, I received a phone call from her. She was so grateful that I helped her. I did not even give it a second thought. Being there for my friend was what was important.
